Julio Inclan is a Committed Layman. Raised in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Married to Erika Inclan whom he has made a beautiful family with and has been blessed with 3 kids, Adrian Jessie, Arely and Julio Cesar.
Julio is a graduate from Centro de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Sonora, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Business Administration and he is working as Manager of a Development of Residential and Commercial Land Urbanization.
ON March 27, 2005, alongside his wife, he attended a set of talks on Natural Family Planning, where he came to hear about the Theology of the Body, of God’s perfect creation of the human being, it was there where the Lord touched his heart, calling him to take this kerygmatic message of Jesus, his life, his promises and his values to all people with the intention to terminate ideas such as contraception, abortion, bettering the matrimonial life, and most importantly bringing them to a personal encounter with the living Jesus.
Today, him and his wife are Natural Family Planning instructors, certified by the Foundation of the Americas to share the Billings method, which they have been practicing and teaching since 2005.
Certified facilitators for retreats such as “Amor para toda la vida” and “God’s plan for a joyful marriage” which has been offered through the Diocese of Phoenix since 2010.
At their home parish, St. Anne’s, they facilitate the FOCCUS program, personalized session for couples which promote a healthy dialogue, both constructive and clear in order to encourage understanding and knowledge of both members in the relationship through dialogue and communication.
On November 21, 2014, he and his wife founded a program of evangelization, catechesis, and public awareness called KLESIS< directed towards couples, receiving talks on the topics of Matrimony and Family, which they coordinate themselves.
He and his wife are 2013 graduates of the Kino Catechetical Institute, University level faith formation program, in a systematic and comprehensive scheme of Catholic Doctrine, just like they are presented in sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Julio, along with Fr. Ernesto Reynoso, JCL, started “DosPadres Bien Padres” in 2017, a virtual program that addresses topics that interest humanity to be a better people which is now taken in 2019 to the Catholic Television Network, EWTN.
He is a member of the Fraternal Benefit Society for men, Knights of Columbus since 2012.