In addition to the general sessions participants in the Youth Evangelization track take the following sessions:

Year Two – January 13, 2012

Purpose of Catechesis

This talk will:

  1. Define catechesis as intimacy with Christ, per Catechesi Tradendae #5.
  2. Situate catechesis in light of the entire mission of the Church.
  3. Define catechesis, its tasks and its essential characteristics, including its Christocentric nature.

Introduction to Adolescent Development

This talk will:

  1. Assist youth evangelization leaders in understanding the psychological make-up of today’s teen.
  2. Help the participant obtain a holistic picture of the role adolescence plays in the development of an emotionally and morally integrated Christian.
  3. Explain the role a youth program should play in the development of adolescent’s identity, including one’s faith, self-esteem based and character.

Handling Crisis Situations

This talk will:

  1. Identify typical crisis situations that arise in parish ministries.
  2. Articulate and demonstrate the necessary pastoral and professional intervention skills.
  3. Highlight referral and mandatory reporting procedures.

An Overview of: The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

This talk will:

  1. Outline the key features of the document published by the Pontifical Council for the Family entitled The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education within the Family.
  2. Highlight the role of the parents within the formation of love and sexuality.
  3. Give practical examples for teaching sexuality to children and teens in a parish setting.

Fostering Service, Leadership and Vocations

This talk will:

  1. Address the nature of outreach and service as a response to Christ’s call for communion and solidarity.
  2. Offer resources for mobilizing teens for tangible service and leadership.
  3. Discuss strategies for promoting priestly and religious vocations with teens.

Year One (2013)

1. Effective Youth Evangelization

2. Evangelizing Teens/Relational Ministry

3. Discipling Teens

4. Curriculum Planning and Methodology

5. Praying with Teens