The curriculum for the entire Kino Leadership Conference for Parish Leaders is a twenty-session curriculum, divided over two years. Specialization tracks in each year are offered in the areas of children’s catechesis, youth evangelization, RCIA/Adult Faith Formation, Pastoral Care, and Marriage.
General Sessions (January 14, 2012)
The Holy Spirit/Converter of Hearts
This talk will:
- Emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit in all service done in the Body of Christ, as described in Evangeli Nuntandi #75.
- Help the participants understand that the source for all service comes from Christ Himself.
- Impart ways to keep our focus on the Spirit in the midst of the demands of parish work.
Recruiting, Training, and Developing Teams
This talk will:
- Recognize the vital role of teams in parish apostolates.
- Describe the essential qualities of a team member, as well as ways to recruit and discern the calling of potential team members.
- Discuss practical and effective strategies to train and develop teams.
Working with Bishops, Pastors, Staff and Parents
This talk will:
- Give an overview of those responsible for ministry in a parish setting.
- Articulate the role of the parish leader in light of those responsible for the program.
- Stress the need to work as a team with them, not as ‘Lone Rangers’ or ‘Saviors’ in the program.
John Paul II and the New Evangelization
This talk will:
- Highlight the missionary thrust of the New Evangelization, especially in John Paul II’s Novo Millenio Ineunte.
- Explain the key characteristics of the New Evangelization
- Will summarize John Paul II’s unique contributions to the work of evangelization.
The Process of Conversion
This talk will:
- Look at the different stages of conversion as given to us in the General Directory for Catechesis and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
- Apply the stages of conversion to parish apostolates.
- Examine how to pass on the teaching of the Church to individuals, no matter where they are at in their faith life.
General Sessions (2013)
1. The Church’s Mission/Ecclesia in America
2. Personal Holiness
3. Salvation History
4. An introduction to Scripture and the Catechism/Divine Revelation
5. Cultural Influences