2 Year Adult Faith Formation Certificate Program
The Adult Faith Formation Courses are designed to help an individual know Jesus Christ and His teachings, as presented in the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Courses are taught at an introductory undergraduate level.
Called to this formation are:
– Adult Catholics
– Parish leaders (current or aspiring)
– Deacon inquirers
– Married couples
– Parents
– Catholic converts
– Cursillistas
When are classes offered?
All Adult Faith Formation classes are held once a week from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for our morning cohort, starting late August until the end of May. Each course is 15 contact hours.
Please consult our website for exact dates.
What is required to enter the Adult Faith Formation Certificate program?
- Be at least 18 years old
- Complete Registration Form with $20.00 fee.
- Write a 500 words essay as stated in the application.
Tuition for the Adult Faith Formation Certificate Program (Effective July 1st): $1,050.00 per year
A student can also register for the Adult Faith Formation Certificate Program as Auditor.
Tuition for the Adult Faith Formation as Auditor: $1,000.00 per year
Schedule Adult Faith Formation 2022-2023
Individual Courses: $175.00
Fees include all required textbooks.