Kino Institute offers a variety of certificate programs for adult Catholics.
2 Year Adult Faith Formation Certificate Program
The Kino Institute Adult Faith Formation Certificate is a two-year intensive formation process for interested Catholics seeking to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. Participants walk through the primary themes of God’s plan of salvation as seen in Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Through reading, assignments and prayer, this certificate helps adult Catholics understand the Faith of the Church and follow Christ more deeply in their daily lives.
Called to this formation are:
– Adult Catholics
– Parish leaders (current or aspiring)
– Deacon inquirers
– Married couples
– Parents
– Catholic converts
– Cursillistas
What is required to enter the Adult Faith Formation Certificate program?
- Be at least 18 years old
- Complete Registration Form with $20.00 fee.
Tuition for the Adult Faith Formation Certificate Program: $950.00 per year
Individual Courses: $150.00
All Adult Faith Formation classes are held once a week from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. starting late August until the end of May.
Fees include all required textbooks.
Parish Leadership Certificate Program
The Kino Institute Parish Leadership Certificate is designed to equip current and aspiring leaders for effective service at the parish. Through reading, assignments and prayer, participants get hands-on formation from experienced lay leaders and clergy from around the Diocese. The program, consisting of three general and seven specialization courses, is designed to introduce the participant to both the Church’s principles of ministry as well as best practices. Required for the certificate are the three general courses and at least one specialization course.
Called to this formation are:
– Current and aspiring Parish Leaders in the areas of Children’s Catechesis, Youth Evangelization, Young Adult Evangelization, RCIA/Adult Formation, Marriage, Respect Life and the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying.
– Parish Managers and Administration Employees
– Parish Pastoral and Financial Council Members
– Deacon Inquirers and Candidates
What is required to enter the Parish Leadership Certificate Program?
- Be at least 18 years or age
- Completed Registration Form with $20.00 fee.
- 2 letters of recommendation (one being from your Pastor)
Tuition for the Parish Leadership Certificate Program: $500.00
Individual Courses: $150.00
Parish Leadership courses will be offered on Saturdays, from 8am to 4:30pm, spread out throughout the academic year. Please consult our website for exact dates.
Fees include all required textbooks.
2 Year Adult Faith Formation and Parish Leadership Certificate Program
The Kino Institute Adult Faith Formation and Parish Leadership Certificate Programs, described above, can be taken concurrently, at a significant cost savings.
What is required to enter the Adult Faith Formation and Parish Leadership Certificate Program?
- Be at least 18 years or age
- Completed Registration Form with $20.00 fee.
- 2 letters of recommendation (one being from your Pastor)
Tuition for the Adult Faith Formation and Parish Leadership Certificate Combined: $1,050.00 per year
All Adult Faith Formation classes are held once a week from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. starting late August until the end of May. Parish Leadership courses will be offered on Saturdays, from 8am to 4:30pm, spread out throughout the academic year. Please consult our website for exact dates.
Fees include all required textbooks.
To begin registration process or for more information call or click on the registration tab.
Prepare the Way
Accredited by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Commission on Certification and Accreditation